Closed petition PE1930: Ensure customers are always given information on the cheapest possible fare in new Scotrail contract

Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to ensure that a requirement of future rail contracts is for customers to be given information on the cheapest possible fare as a matter of course and recognize the vital role of the existing ticket office estate in delivering on this aim.

Previous action taken

I raised a previous petition on this issue which was closed on 3 September 2020.

Background information

The current system of pricing for rail fares is complex. As such it is difficult for the customer, especially in a digital purchase environment, to be assured that they are getting the best fares. The proposed reduction in ticket office opening hours will do little to improve the delivery of face to face advice to passengers to reduce the rail fare system complexity and ensure best value.

  • Created by George Eckton
  • Date closed 11 December 2024

This petition was considered by the Scottish Parliament

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57 signatures