Closed petition PE2027: Launch the Changing Places Toilet fund

Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to launch the £10M Changing Places Toilet fund that was pledged in the 2021 SNP manifesto without further delay and make the application process clear, straight-forward and expeditious for groups trying to build these much needed facilities.

Previous action taken

I sit on the Cross Party Group for Changing Places Toilets. At the CPG meeting on 2/11/22, I was given an official agenda slot to ask the Minister with responsibility for CPTs, Kevin Stewart, about the fund. I asked when the fund would be launched and for information about the application criteria. I didn't get firm answers.

I have written to Evelyn Tweed MSP, our constituent MSP, and Alyn Smith MP asking for advice about this petition and funding for the CPT. Again, I have not received firm answers. Alyn Smith MP has offered to write to the Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport, Maree Todd.

Background information

This application is on behalf a small community charity called The Tyndrum Infrastructure Group, whose primary aim is to build a Changing Places Toilet in Tyndrum.

We recently completed a Development Feasibility Study on our potential site which is at The Green Welly Stop. As a result, we now have a costed design plan, a signed Letter of Intent and a draft Memorandum of Understanding. We are currently preparing to start the planning process with the National Park Authority.

Back in 2021, I attended a workshop co-hosted by Pamis and Calmac. At the workshop, the number one priority location in Scotland for a Changing Places toilet was identified as Tyndrum.

There is currently a black hole the size of Wales in the North West of Scotland where no CPT toilet facilities exist. This situation does not seem representative of the kind of inclusive and accessible community that Scotland aspires to be. We need this CPT fund to be launched to access the money needed to address this in Tyndrum.

  • Created by Sarah Heward on behalf of The Tyndrum Infrastructure Group
  • Date closed 29 May 2024

This petition was considered by the Scottish Parliament

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621 signatures