Closed petition PE2042: Abolish car parking charges for all Forestry and Land Scotland sites
Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to abolish car parking charges at all Forestry and Land Scotland sites, helping to promote access to forests and greenspaces across Scotland.
Previous action taken
I have contacted Jenni Minto MSP, Brendan O'Hara MP, local councillors, and Taynuilt Community Council.
I have also set up a social media page to facilitate exchange of opinions and information in my local area. I established contact with groups in other areas nationally.
Taynuilt Community Council held 2 public meetings attended by local councillors, with local representatives from Forestry Land Scotland attending the second one. A summary was also published in the Oban Times, as well as many letters from the public.
Background information
The Active Scotland Delivery Plan states that “Being physically active is one of the very best things we can do for our physical and mental health.” It prevents diseases, strokes, diabetes, and cancers; it helps us maintain a healthy weight; and reduces the risk of depression.
The new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy highlights the need for a stronger focus on prevention, the importance of tackling poverty and inequality; and placing mental wellbeing on an equal footing with physical health.
Key to achieving these Scottish Government goals is unimpeded access to places where one can exercise, reflect, and meditate.
Parking charges were introduced, without community consultation nationally. Local people concerned about penalties are now staying away, where previously these forests were well used.
These costs are deeply unfair and create inequality in society. In a cost-of-living crisis, this is an expense that the less affluent can’t afford and will have a long-term impact on the health of the nation.
This petition was considered by the Scottish Parliament
1,301 signatures