Closed petition PE2049: Introduce buffer zones outside migrant accommodation
Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to introduce buffer zones outside migrant accommodation to prevent anti-migrant groups from gathering in these spaces, and help protect occupants, including asylum seekers and refugees, from harassment and intimidation.
Previous action taken
I have contacted the Scottish Government, who confirmed that they have no plans to implement exclusion zones around migrant accommodation.
I have also contacted my MP, local council and the police.
Background information
The Muthu Hotel in Erskine has been subjected to demonstrations by the far-right Patriotic Alternative and Homeland groups for several months now. Residents of the hotel have already been through trauma and have to see and hear this racist demonstration outside their home.
Elgin has also recently been targeted by a neo-Nazi group.
It wouldn't be acceptable gather like this outside anyone's home - and it's not acceptable to do it outside these hotels. Scotland should be a safe space for all its residents. It is disgusting that refugees and asylum seekers have to see and hear racist abuse at any time, and it is outrageous and unacceptable that asylum seekers are singled out and targeted by racists, unable to feel safe in their accommodation.
Scotland welcomes refugees and we do not accept these racist demonstrations by a tiny minority, which should have no place in a civilised society.
This petition was considered by the Scottish Parliament
77 signatures