Closed petition PE2050: Prohibit the use of recreational drones on national nature reserves without a permit from NatureScot
Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to amend the current guidance on flying recreational drones on national nature reserves (NNRs) to so that:
use is prohibited without a permit
permits include a flight time, date and agreed flight path
operation is in accordance with the drone code
advice on the legal status of the wildlife and habitats is provided
Previous action taken
I have raised concerns about drones disturbing wildlife during meetings with my local MSP, Gillian Martin, who has also put these concerns to Police Scotland during the Scottish Parliament's Annual Wildlife Crime Report with the Land Reform Committee in 2019. Evidence has been provided to Police Scotland, Marine Scotland and NatureScot of disturbances caused by drones to Seal haul-outs on several NNR's who then discussed the matter with the Partnership Against Wildlife Crime working group (PAW).
Background information
Drones can be used both intentionally and unintentionally to cause disturbance to wildlife and can have a significant impact on the wellbeing of many species on NNRs. The current guidance for this is vague and has little to no enforcement. I have amassed a considerable collection of footage taken from drones and seen the impact it has on nesting birds and seal colonies on NNRs. Disturbances with drones continue to increase every year and drones flown on NNRs are often operated recklessly, irresponsibly, not in compliance with the drone code and are a danger to the public and wildlife. Clear signage on reserves stating that the use of drones is prohibited would prevent most incidents and assist visitors in preventing serious disturbance to wildlife, creating safer NNRs for all.
This petition was considered by the Scottish Parliament
113 signatures