Closed petition PE2059: Ensure pedestrian crossings cannot be disabled without an equivalent safety measure in place
Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to introduce legislation requiring that during road works, or at any other point where a pedestrian crossing is disabled or otherwise bypassed, that measures to allow alternative pedestrian traffic flow are put in place; and any broken down or otherwise disabled crossing be rectified or have an alternative in place within 24 hours of being reported.
Previous action taken
I have contacted the local council, MSPs, and Councillors about the disabling of the pedestrian crossing, outside the primary school, on Bonnington Road (B900) in Edinburgh. It took over two weeks to get someone to consider the safety of the children crossing this busy road.
Background information
The pedestrian crossing outside of my son’s primary school on Bonnington Road (B900) in Edinburgh was disabled in favour of making traffic flow easier. This decision disregarded the safety of the primary and nursery age children that require to cross this busy road. It took two weeks of reporting to many different people before this was finally fixed.
When a pedestrian crossing is disabled or otherwise bypassed, an alternative safety measure, such as a temporary light with pedestrian button or stationed personnel with traffic controlling powers, should be put in place.
This petition was considered by the Scottish Parliament
60 signatures