Under consideration PE2062: Introduce a National Screening Programme for Prostate Cancer
Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to introduce a national screening programme for prostate cancer.
Previous action taken
I have written to the Scottish Government but they have no plans to introduce a screening programme.
Background information
One in eight men will get prostate cancer. Scottish men are historically reluctant to go to the doctors. Prostate cancer symptoms may not be known about and regarded as just being part of getting older, or drinking too much tea or coffee. Meanwhile, a very serious illness can go undetected until it is too late. It is all very well to say that there can be risks associated with tests for prostate cancer, and it can be a process that causes alarm or anxiety, but should this not be a decision for the patient to make after having been given the options following an initial diagnosis?
542 signatures
This petition is now under consideration
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