Closed petition PE2072: Offer covid-19 vaccine boosters to teachers and school staff

Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to offer covid-19 vaccine boosters to teachers and school staff.

Previous action taken

Emails to MSPs and social media groups.

Background information

I'm starting this petition as a retired teacher who worked for the Scottish NHS as a Contact Tracing Practitioner until January this year. This experience gave me insight into how many people - teachers, children and other family members - were catching Covid at or from school. It's a no-brainer to focus on reducing transmission in schools. This measure will also reduce costs to schools for supply staff covering for sick colleagues, as well as protecting teachers from the consequences of both Acute and long-covid. Too many of my former colleagues have struggled to overcome Long Covid; many have had to leave teaching.

Children and staff deserve protection. Vaccination is one added layer of protection, using "Dr Reason's Swiss Cheese Model".

Our strategy for living with covid-19 must change so fewer people end up disabled or dying from it.

  • Created by Peter Barlow
  • Date closed 17 April 2024

This petition was considered by the Scottish Parliament

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265 signatures