Closed petition PE2096: Review the council tax system

Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to start a review into the council tax system to consider whether rates could be set per capita, rather than by property value.

Background information

Council tax should be based on everyone using services, rather than property values. Adult children still living at home earning a reasonable income use services but don’t make any contribution.

Many of us have worked hard during our careers to provide ourselves with a nice house. However, the current level of council tax is like a mortgage that can never be repaid. I am aware of some people whose annual payment is 15-20% of their annual income.

In my opinion, the poll tax was a far better system. There were failings in how it was rolled out and most councils failed in their ability to collect from non-payers.

If the system became a per capita payment I believe this would be far fairer.

  • Created by Eleanor Fraser
  • Date closed 26 June 2024

This petition was considered by the Scottish Parliament

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36 signatures