Under consideration PE2134: Introduce legislation to make it a requirement for swift bricks to be installed in all new developments in Scotland, and include swifts in building surveys

Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to help reverse the decline in swift populations by introducing legislation that would make swift nesting bricks a requirement for all new build developments in Scotland, as well as making it mandatory to include swifts in all ecological building surveys.

Background information

The common swift are migratory birds, returning from Africa to the same nest site each year, and are solely reliant on buildings for their breeding success.

Added to the UK Red List for conservation status in 2021, nest site loss is a factor in UK swift decline of 62% since 1998.

Nest sites are unseen and lost at an alarming rate due to unsympathetic building upgrades, inadequate nest protection, and no requirement to survey within the planning process.

To reverse the decline, we must provide nesting opportunities in their thousands and retain existing key swift colonies.

Swift bricks are building compliant, BSI standardised, inexpensive, incorporate into all build types, maintenance free, and will also serve other building reliant species.

Including swifts in all building surveys would significantly reduce the loss of existing nesting colonies and would make a huge impact. A mandatory approach is the ONLY way to achieve this.

  • Created by Cally Smith on behalf of Huntly Swift Group-NES Swifts
  • Considered from 6 January 2025
  • Petitions can collect signatures until the petition has been closed

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