Under consideration PE2135: Implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in Scottish legislation
Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to ensure that, prior to the next Holyrood parliamentary election, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) is given full legal effect in the devolved law making process.
Background information
MSPs continue to ignore Parliament’s motion of 26.09.2012: “Parliament acknowledges the sovereign right of the Scottish people to determine the form of government best suited to their needs and declares and pledges that in all its actions and deliberations their interests shall be paramount”
The First Minister recently stated “I have complete faith in the People of Scotland to take the right decisions about their future. If we give them the tools, they can build whatever country they want” (SNP 2024 Annual Conference)
This petition provides access to such tools - direct Political Rights (e.g. Initiatives and Referendums) applicable to devolved legislation. Access to other ICCPR rights would allow the People to guide nation-building.
The Scottish Human Rights (HR) Commission has stated “The Scotland Act 1998 requires both the Scottish Parliament and Government to observe and implement all the UK’s international HR obligations” (4th Feb.2024 Report to the UN HR Committee, page 15)
5,069 signatures
This petition is now under consideration
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