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310 petitions

  1. Pardon those who were accused and convicted of witchcraft in Scotland under the Witchcraft Act 1563

    Under consideration from 4 November 2024

  2. Run a targeted roadside litter awareness campaign

    Under consideration from 4 November 2024

  3. Permanently remove peak fare pricing from ScotRail services

    Closed on 11 December 2024

  4. Help protect the Black Grouse by reviewing how new forestry schemes are regulated and implemented

    Closed on 11 December 2024

  5. Review and restructure Scotland’s flood risk management approach and operations

    Under consideration from 24 September 2024

  6. Ban the use of toxic chemicals along our coasts

    Closed on 13 November 2024

  7. Accelerate the implementation of bus franchising powers

    Under consideration from 15 August 2024

  8. Ensure NHS dental patients have the option of white composite fillings for the treatment of molar teeth

    Closed on 13 November 2024

  9. Ensure effective regulation and oversight of social care services in Scotland

    Closed on 13 November 2024

  10. Provide support to RAAC-affected communities

    Under consideration from 23 July 2024

  11. Conduct an independent review of childcare costs and availability in Scotland.

    Under consideration from 23 July 2024

  12. Fund early learning and childcare from 9 months

    Under consideration from 2 July 2024

  13. Protect wild wrasse stocks

    Under consideration from 25 June 2024

  14. Halt any further pump storage hydro schemes on Scottish lochs holding wild Atlantic salmon

    Under consideration from 19 June 2024

  15. Obtain a second medical opinion before detainment under the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003

    Under consideration from 19 June 2024

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